Document Solutions offers high-quality offset printing right here on the 40 acres.
UT customers, simply provide your 10-digit account number and we’ll handle the billing for you.
State of Texas customers, when you work with Document Solutions, you eliminate the bidding process usually required because we are approved by the State Council on Competitive Government. We can get you started with an informal letter of agreement or for larger orders, a written interagency agreement.
Leave the driving and parking to us. Document Solutions provides free pickup, delivery and courier service associated with your order. Mail projects may require special handling fees.
Our Services
- Envelopes, and Letterheads — two- and four-color designs for UT Austin and UT System
- Small and Large Press — including books, booklets, bookplates, brochures, forms, invitations, labels, maps, newsletters, note cards, notepads, and posters
- Electronic Prepress
- Bindery
- Pickup and Delivery available with your order