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Green Savings
- Recycled 2,820 pounds of aluminum
- Recycled 152 wooden pallets
- Recycled 120.285 tons of paper
- Recycled 1,212 pounds of aluminum
- Recycled 351 wooden pallets
- 130 tons of paper recycling
- Recycled 134.6 tons of paper
- Trees - 2,288
- Gallons of Water - 942,200
- Gallons of oil - 51,148
- kilowatt hours of energy - 538, 400
- Cubic yards of landfill space - 403.8
- Recycled 2,345 toner cartridges (June 2018-March 2019)
- Recycled 696 wooden pallets (January-October 2019)
- Recycled 3,659 pounds of aluminum
- Recycled 133.2 tons of paper, which equates to the following associated savings (comparatively, not total):
- Trees — 2,264
- Gallons of Water — 932,400
- Gallons of Oil — 50,616
- Kilowatt Hours of Energy — 532,800
- Cubic yards of Landfill Space — 399.6
- Recycled 2,760 pounds of aluminum