How long have you been employed at UT?
22 years I have served the printing department of UT and I have worked in every copy center here on the 40 acres of campus: McCombs, the Union, Welch Hall, and now I work in SSW. I was here when copy, mail, and printing services all became one unit (Document Solutions).

What does your job entail?
I operate the XEROX Nuvera 120 and the XEROX 7000. The Nuvera is a black and white digital printer that produces brochures, booklets, flyers, mail merges, postcards, and transparencies. The 7000 machine is a color printer that manufactures items such as post cards, posters, flyers, and invitations.
Do you have any work experience prior to the printing department at UT?
Yes, before I was hired within the printing industry I served as a cashier and clerk at the Jester Store and handled their inventory.
Is there anything in particular that you love most about working in the Copy Centers?
I really enjoy working with the machines because I love constantly learning new processes and new concepts. From when I was hired in 1989 till now in 2011, there have been so many changes in the printing industry. Everything went from hard copy to digital — and I got to see it happen, year by year. And even now, each year I am continuing to see things grow and develop. Working here has been a constant learning process which has kept me intrigued… For example, when I first began working at UT: we actually had to drill holes into our paper stock and scan hard copies. We used White Out to correct errors, manually cut and paste, and we stapled our own books. These procedures are almost ancient tasks now with the use of digital technology. Not to mention time consuming. The turnover rate has improved significantly over the years and customers can often get their items on the same day, or within 24 hours as opposed to much longer. Being granted the opportunity to see the alterations over the years and all the enhancements in machinery fascinates me. Above all, I strive to treat each job as if it were my own, meaning I continually ask myself, “If this were my copy, would I be satisfied with its overall result if I were the customer?”
Where is your hometown?
Buda, Texas.
Do you have any children or grandchildren?
Yes I have two children — a son and a daughter, both are now fully grown and married. And I have two granddaughters that I love to spend time with.
What are your favorite hobbies or activities?
Well, I love water aerobics. Being near the water is something I always adore. And with the convenience of our own swimming pool — my husband and I can spend time entertaining our granddaughters, which is very nice. Plus we like to go see movies.
What do you like most about The University of Texas at Austin? Something must have kept you here all these years to remain such a dedicated employee.
Well, besides health benefits — for me what has been the most valuable thing about working for UT is how accommodating my directors and supervisors have been over the years. They have always helped work around my schedule from the first year; making it possible for me to be a wife and mother, on top of employment. I wanted to work while also being present at home, and UT made that possible… And then after my own children had grown, about two years ago when my 7 year old granddaughter was diagnosed with Leukemia, only five years old at the time: Mr. Richard Beto (our director) has been very supportive that my family comes first and is always asking about how my granddaughter is doing. UT has just always been so endlessly supportive of family life and it’s enabled me to be there even though I’ve been working, for which I am eternally grateful. Family is extremely important to me.
How is your granddaughter doing now? I’m so sorry to hear she has been ill.
Thank you for that. Well, she is currently in remission. We are so grateful she is doing better, but the family still has more roads of recovery to endure as it takes two years of remission until doctors no longer fear a reoccurrence of illness.
I will keep her in my thoughts.
Thank you.
Lastly, if there was one thing you could accomplish, see, or do in the next five years: what would that be?
Honestly… Everything I have ever wanted or hoped for: I am doing it. I have everything I ever desired as a wife, a mother, and a grand mother. My life has been very fulfilled and I am grateful for all I possess and am looking forward to my retirement.
Interviewer: Nicolette Mallow