Rising early to bind course packets, create UT-logo notepads, and much more…
Who is Vincent Serna?
Vincent oversees University Services’ shipping and bindery divisions. He’s a working supervisor and oversees seven employees, making sure they are fully equipped to work in a comfortable and fully stocked setting.
What’s unique about his job?
He’s an early riser. In fact, Vincent arrives at work at 4 a.m. and puts in a full shift before most folks have their second cup of coffee.
How long has he been with the university?
Since February 2001.
What makes him a pro?
Before joining the University Services team, Vincent garnered 17 years of experience in the printing field by working for several large and small print shops.
Now let’s get personal…

- Q: What do you do outside the printing plant?
- A: I coach softball; girls’ fast pitch. I actually started with my daughter, Jessica, when she was five. She’s 13 now and has been playing ever since.
- Q: Do you have any other children?
- A: I have quite the family… Two older girls — Monica (21) and Angela (19), and a son, Thomas (18). My loving wife, Nicole, simply must be mentioned — they’re all so supportive. I love my family. We’re all here in Austin.
- Q: I’ve heard you talk sports with Mr. Beto as a dad, and a fan. Do you like any particular team of the university’s?
- A: I’ve always been big on football. This Thanksgiving, I worked in the concession stands for about five hours. Of course, I’m a softball fan. Who doesn’t love UT sports?!